Ingrowing toenails
Ingrowing toenails are common, painful and can occur to anyone at any age.
They can usually be rectified by one of our Podiatrists as part of a New Patient Appointment. There is usually an offending spic of nail that is ‘digging in’ that has either been left down the side due to poor cutting technique by the patient themselves or by an inexperienced practitioner.
For the majority of patients, conservative treatment may consist of 1-3 appointments over the space of a couple of weeks whereby we remove the offending spic and monitor its growth back to a more comfortable position. Thereafter, either by improved nail cutting technique by the patient or routine care by the Podiatrist, the problem should not re-occur.
If conservative treatment isn’t working or if the ingrowing nail has a habit of re-occurring, our Podiatrists can offer a minor surgical procedure under local anaesthetic where the offending spic of the nail will be permanently removed. Some patients may be concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the nail following a procedure like this, however, there is nothing to be concerned about as 85% of the nail you already see will still be on show. Before and after photos are available for those who wish to see them.
Single Nail Surgery: £325 — 1 hour. In addition to the surgical procedure, local anaesthetic and up to 3 follow up appointments including dressings (15mins each) are provided as part of a full care package.
Double Nail Surgery: £475 — 1.5 hours. In addition to the surgical procedure up, local anaesthetic and up to 3 follow up appointments (15mins each) are provided as part of a full care package.